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It isn’t easy to define wanderlust. It’s much more of a feeling — a longing for exploration that wells up inside people until satiated. Only certain individuals possess the traits that embody the true meaning of Wanderlust. If you’ve ever struggled to understand your unquenchable need for travel, or longed for a sense of community outside of the status quo, wondered why you’ve never been satisfied with a routine life, this list is for you Wandluster.

We know that your wandering spirit with resonate with each one.

wanderlust travel words

The very definition of Wanderlust denotes an inherent desire to experience the world.


This German word for yearning and wishful longing perfectly describes the nostalgia we feel in between trips — a feeling that grips at our hearts until the ache is satisfied again.

meaning of wanderlust

You don’t have to be a traveler to know that you have wanderlust. Sometimes you just know that you belong out there in the world.

definition of wanderlust

The most beautiful thing about travel is that it reminds you to appreciate the things that are most important in life.

meaning of wanderlust

For those of us with Wanderlust, the desire to travel and explore new things always outweighs the fear. There is something that pulls us toward the unknown and it can’t be ignored.

world of wanderlust

Travel helps us to forge deep connections to nature, to others and to ourselves.

definition of wanderlust

Sometimes we travel to discover ourselves, and there can be no greater discovery in life than that.


The places where you lay your head may be transient, but the places where you leave your heart are yours for a lifetime.

definition of wanderlust

Growth is an inevitable consequence of discomfort. The further we allow ourselves to detach from our comfort zone, the more we will reap the benefits of our unique experiences.

world of wanderlust

The beauty of nature is that you don’t need to travel far to disconnect from the mundane and enter into a place of serenity. It only takes a moment to feel the awe of nature’s maternal embrace.


The further we go, the more in touch we become with our true nature. Sometimes that’s the only reason we need to leave behind our old lives.

definition of wanderlust

The interesting thing about solo travel is that somehow you never feel alone. There is a sense of guidance that’s palpable.

meaning of wanderlust

The meaning of Wanderlust can be subjective, but at the core, we are all the same.

meaning of wanderlust

Learn to be silent and stand in awe. It is the closest that we can get to the source of all creation.

wanderlust definition

Freedom is the most essential need of a wanderer — freedom from expectations, toxic relationships, conflicting thoughts and regrets. The freedom to become who we were truly meant to be.

wanderlust definition

Solitude comes at a cost: understanding oneself without the distraction of daily life brings us to moments where we uncover who we really are.

world of wanderlust

The greatest gift that you can give yourself is a life of never-ending adventure and exploration.

definition of wanderlust

The World of Wanderlust is a beautiful place to be.

world of wanderlust

Wanderlust walks a fine line between excitement and fear, and it is that intersection of feelings that maintains our fire.

wanderlust definition

Imagination and creativity are triggered by new experiences. Wanderlust and inspiration are, therefore, co-conspirators.

meaning of wanderlust

The more we travel, the more places we find where we are able to seek solace in a mundane world.

wanderlust definition

The freedom we seek depends on our ability to let go of the things that hold us down.

wanderlust meaning

You don’t have to know exactly where you’ll end up, you just have to make the decision to go.

world of wanderlust

Longing is evidence of a connection to something or someone that exists beyond rational thought.


Everything that we are attracted to already exists within us.


Allow your desire for change to guide you toward the thing that your soul wants most. How long will you wait to heed the calling of your heart?

definition of wanderlust

Go. Travel. Explore. Make history and create magic. The world needs more of that.

wanderlust definition

Life was meant to be lived. What are you saving yourself for?

wanderlust meaning

Everything you experience becomes a part of you. You will carry these memories with you for all time.


Wander is a part of you that can never be lost. Even if you step away for a while, the World of Wanderlust will always be waiting with open arms.

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  1. These are great and being from Austria I found a lot of German words here. I love to travel and see lots of new places in the world and interacting with people from other cultures and traditions.

  2. When I think of Wanderlust I always think of my sister. Her gift this year was a series of framed watercolor prints with all of the places she’s lived. I can’t wait to continue to add to them as she goes on more adventures.

  3. Christina this is awesome! You’ve described me to a tee in many of these words. Thanks for putting this together.

  4. I like very much how you arranged the photos in this post and the ideas that they transmit are great.

  5. Wow, I love how each word accompanied an image. And I’m also sad to say I only knew a few of these words. I definitely have wanderlust which is why I chose to move to Spain at 29 rather than stay in the United States.

  6. I love this! I wish I could travel more, but alas, funds and kids don’t always allow it. Perhaps in a few years we can do it more often.

    • Hi Amber! That’s the thing about Wanderlust: it never goes away. Whenever you’re ready to venture out into the world, it’ll be waiting for you.

  7. Divya @ Eat. Teach. Blog.

    Yes, yes, yes. I experience all these things often. I think this coming year we will be making a trip to New Zealand to satisfy the wanderlust in us! <3

  8. These are great!! I really liked the way Sonder, Onism, Saudade & Hodophile sound!!

  9. Chasa Fulkerson

    I believe Nemophilist, strikhedonia, and eleutheromania resonates with me. I really think I could resonate with all, but those really stood out for me. I long to travel soon. I think one of the main reasons I like to travel is the freedom I feel that it gives me.

  10. This is so cool. As I read through the post I was going to comment on a favorite or 2. I changed my mind because I like them all. All of the words have such a good feeling about them.

  11. Strikhedonia. What a word. I absolutely love this post, what a great list of new wonderful words from around the world!

  12. Yes! Yes to all of them! This was a lovely post! I’m putting in my monthly links post.

  13. I must admit that I am a Wanderlust for sure as I have a strong desire to travel to as many as places in the world. And I love nature, spending long time in a lonely forest all alone and of course love the freedom of being all alone!

  14. Wow.. this is awesome! I do love to travel and carry these wonderful memories with myself for all time!

  15. I love to travel. Hopefully, I will be able to do that soon.

  16. Being a travel addict, I really feel awful that I only knew few words from your list. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Have pinned it for my reference!

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