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Premiering this month on Netflix is the series ‘Stay Here’, a new show that explores the vacation rental landscape and what it truly takes to transform a property into a successful, do-it-yourself business venture. As its tagline suggests, creating a short-term rental involves much more than offering a comfortable bed and some basic amenities. With changing demographics and consumer tastes, more people are bypassing hotels and resorts in favor of accommodations that have character and truly feel like home.
AllTheRooms was recently selected as one of three companies from over 300 applicants to partner with Netflix and contribute to the show. As the largest accommodation search engine in the world, and with a massive inventory of data and analytics, AllTheRooms seemed like the perfect fit. We recently sat down with CEO and co-founder, Joseph DiTomaso, to learn more about the show and what AllTheRooms is bringing to the table.
See the full interview here:
In the months prior to filming, the producers from ‘Stay Here’ reached out to AllTheRooms in the hope of a potential partnership. “We ended up getting placed in a pretty exciting position,” says Joe. “They were really intrigued about the materials that we were presenting, and we figured out a way to integrate our data in a way that provided really neat insights into the vacation rental marketplace.” Throughout the series, ATR provides useful content — growth trends, city profiles, consumer tastes, impact analyses — to better paint the picture of this newly emerging industry.

Joe notes that “this is really to help out property owners and managers — people who are transforming their homes and changing their lives.” In knowing that renting a property requires a broad understanding of local tastes and trends, the data from ATR is used to provide quantitative and qualitative insight into what would work and why. “There are things folks should be leveraging in any particular market” he adds, “whether it be organic foods, artisanal craft beer — things that capture the place’s experience.” Travelers today want to live like a local, so if a property offers a unique, authentic experience, it has a better chance of doing well in the rental market.

When asked why AllTheRooms was more compatible with a show like ‘Stay Here’ than other online travel agencies, Joe’s answer was threefold. From the supply side, “when your primary mission as a company is to aggregate and catalog every room on the planet, your data becomes incredibly rich.” And on the consumer side, “the consumer experience is one of a kind, it allows for peace of mind and a comfort in knowing that you’ve found what you were looking for.” And finally, Netflix is known to be averse to promoting third-party brands, it was important that ATR truly added value throughout the show. “It was more than just paying money to throw up our logo — it was about being integral.”
What makes ‘Stay Here” unique? We’ve had shows like ‘Property Brothers’ or ‘This Old House’ where people come in and renovate old properties to flip for a while now, but this is the first time we’ve seen it in the vacation rental landscape. Joe said he wouldn’t be surprised if other travel channels follow suit with something similar. Much like a low-interest home equity loan, renting out and profiting from your home — your least liquid asset — is an extremely enticing concept.

The show is genuinely entertaining and could prove to be extremely useful for those who are enthusiastic about getting involved in this cottage industry. After all, we’re witnessing the evolution of the world’s first major democratized marketplace, so it seems fitting that a Netflix series documents its progress. ‘Stay Here’ will be available worldwide on Friday, August 17th.